2023 HVAC Regulations: What Homeowners Need to Know

As 2023 HVAC regulations draw near, homeowners need to be aware of the changes that will affect their heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The minimum SEER rating for HVAC equipment is set to increase, and understanding local requirements is the best way to reduce energy costs and overall energy use. Currently, the SEER rating for new air conditioners is 13 in northern states and 14 in southern states. These manufacturing standards can have an impact on installation prices for distributors and installers, but they are beneficial for homeowners in the long run as more efficient units lead to lower energy bills.

If your HVAC system is in good condition and meets your heating and cooling needs, there is no need to buy a new one that meets the new industry standards. It is important to note that setting slightly higher efficiency standards for air conditioners in southern states increases the environmental impact of HVAC regulations. For example, an Ohio HVAC technician can purchase and install a less efficient air conditioner if it met standards at the time of manufacture. To keep your central air conditioner in perfect condition and avoid potential problems, it is recommended to schedule professional maintenance once a year.

If your HVAC unit needs to be upgraded, consider installing a high-efficiency HVAC system or adding an ERV system to improve performance. If your HVAC system needs to be replaced, you should act quickly to ensure the best price and tightest installation times for your new system.

Mario Mcgorry
Mario Mcgorry

Award-winning twitter guru. Award-winning tv scholar. Unapologetic internet advocate. Lifelong twitter lover. Friendly internet nerd.

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